Sunday, December 24, 2006

First visitors from the UK

Our first visitors for the UK have arrived. Clare, Martin and their children Ben and Sam touched down after a 37 hour door to door flight from Stafford to Auckland. They looked remarkably well and in very good shape considering their long haul. They are in NZ for three weeks over the Christmas period. We will be joining them in Rotorua for New Year before they return to the UK. It's lovely to see them and share our experiences over a few drinks. They are a wonderful family and great friends who always manage to make us laugh. They flew off to Nelson after a couple of nights with us and will tour the south part of the North Island before returing to Auckland on 1st Jan.

Sam flanked by the children shortly after coming out of the airport.

Clare and George in the playing fields of St. Thomas's school a few hours after arriving in Auckland. Doesn't she look well!

Clare getting instructions on how to conduct herself in a foreign country as Ben, Martin George and Sam offer advice during our trip on the Broadway in Auckland city.

Ben was very brave diving into a cold pool. It took him a few minutes to get used to it before performing several dives for the camera. Shame none of them came out very well. Never mind, it was fun watching him shiver.

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