Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Into 2007...

It was great to spend a wonderful amount of time with Clare and Martin both in our rental home and our first new home in Auckland. They were such good company and we miss them all so much already. But they left us with some wonderful memories, lots of funny things to recall and plenty of love to ensure we are well looked after until we all meet again.

The big swing proved a memorable experience for everyone. When he kids said they would take the challenge it was difficult to gage who was really scared, those taking part or those left to witness the fear in little eyes.

A bit of aprehension after being strapped in, but excitement prevails.

If only they were wearing Pampers... I don't think they realised it was going to travel so high in the sky. When they finally let go the combination of fear and the thrill was so great we coupld quite catch it on camera. However, to their enternal credit they all went on for a second time.

The children inspired George to have a go too. Thank goodness there was one brave grown up in the crew.

The Luge is always good fun and here Clare comes through the crowd having negotiated the luge circuit.

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