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Whose eye is this?

Does anybody know what this flower is called?

You may have wondering how we've been getting about in Auckland. Fortunatley Hanafiah and Matthew have been very kind in lending us their car. It's a Toyota Camary automatic. Everyone here drive auto's so I think we're about to join the crowd when we finally get our wheels.

Bobby was born in Jamaica and is a former boxer. He tells me he spent time in the ring with Henry Cooper and was a model. I wasn't about to argue. He's been living in NZ for nearly twenty years. I've got a feeling we'll be seeing more of Bobby.

This is a fish made from shells the kids found on Kohimarama beach just outside our apartment.

Yasmin and Roger playing kites on top of Mount Wellington.

We originally looked for a place 'out west' and nearly became 'westies' and as part of our research we attended a fund raising event for the local kindergarten in Waitekere Township. It was a bit like a spring fair in the UK. On this occasion the kids took a ride in a fire engine.Theo looking rather apprehensive - perhaps he thinks he's going to put out a real fire.

Yasmin feeling confident as the fire engine gets ready to depart.

If we had decided to move to Waitakere township Roger would have become a volunteer firefighter. He wouldn't have lasted long with his asthma.
1 comment:
Hi P. Good to see the TBs are putting the finishing touch to the lastest record. Can't wait to hear it. Make sure you add Auckland to your next world tour.
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