
A little nightcap after plenty of wine came in the form of a flaming Sambuca. Martin took great care in making sure he got the correct amount of beans in the glass before setting the world alight.

Just to prove he managed to get them to burn brightly.

George raises her glass for a toast, but is careful not to fry her eyebrows.

Martin looking rather cautious as he considers taking a sip from his first flaming Sambuca.

We spent a fab day at Enginuity, Ironbridge where we all got the chance to get our hands on some marvellous machines.

All tyred out!

'Welcome to the show!' The children wait to see the latest stunt from the staff at the centre.

One of the staff proves it is possible to lie on a bed of nails, but you really wouldn't want to sleep on one.

Yasmin and Sam spent most of the afternoon engrossed in designing and building parachutes with the help of the staff. They took their parachutes up to the launch area with the aim of dropping them towards the safety of the island below. Going, going...

....gone. The parachutes arrived safely on the island and made it home as well.

Clare and Martin still looking good after 20 years of marriage.

Yasmin and Sam full of (jumping) beans.

A pyjama morning spent creating some very special machines.

...and here we have it. One explosive rocket and an express train.

The children ambush Theo with a handful of tickles.
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