Theo finally reached his long awaited 5th birthday only to share the moment with his first day at school and our furniture arriving from the UK. Despite these major distractions we managed to celebrate with Hana and Matthew while we set about planning a party for a later date. He was a little disappointed at not having any friends to witness the opening of his presents, but a few phone calls and birthday cards was a perfect reminder that he has not been forgotten by distant friends.
Happy Birthday to You....
Time to make a wish...
Walkies Talkies - now he can really pretend to be a spy. Just a pity he shouts when he talks into them.
You can't beat a big piece of chocolate cake on your birthday - whatever age!
Yasmin is delighted to see Theo get his dream wish of a remote controlled racing car.

What boy doesn't dream of owning a fast remote controlled car? However, getting the grips with the controls proves rather more challenging and he has already written off most of the skirting boards around the house.
A big thank you to everyone who able to send a present or a card. We know there are lots of you who haven't got our address yet so were unable to get things to us. We'll make sure we drop you an email with our details in a couple of days.